With the pinboard world map in your mind already on the road! The high-quality home accessory of a world map on linen and cork stimulates the travel imagination and provides a good review of past tours.
aerial yoga is yoga in the air! With the help of a cloth you can do exercises for stretching, balance, muscular and bodily functions above the ground – or simply relax in a hammock.
„The Pillars of the Earth“ – an absolute must for friends of historical novels and those interested in the Middle Ages. Only a few books reflect the living conditions of that time in such detail.
„The End of the Ocean“ – rather a novel about the future in a drying world? On two time levels – now and in about 20 years – the story of a few people is told, in a dramatically changing environment.
Friends of medieval literature can’t miss the Kingsbridge novels by Ken Follett. The newest work – „The Evening and the Morning“ – is historically before the three older Kingsbridge – volumes and gives here an insight into the early days of the plot – place. A literary tip for fans of adventure novels.
Merino wool is often used for clothing because of its pleasant temperature regulating properties. For shoes, however, it is still a rarity. Merino shoes for indoors and outdoors are suitable for everyday use in warm and cool weather, as merino wool has a temperature-balancing effect. A variety of colours entice to special accents when choosing clothes.